SBS2011 Moving Data Paths and Logs


Open the SBS 2011 Server Console

Select Backup and Server Storage

Select Server Storage

Select the data you want to move using the tasks listed on the right as shown below:


WSUS the rest of the story….

stop SBS managers, update services, 

If you are having trouble connecting to the Database in SBS 2011 you’ll need to right click the Management Studio and ‘Run as Administrator’.

After Moving WSUS using the menu above you will notice the C:\WSUS\SUSDB folder does not move.

You have to move this via SQL Management Studio

Login to server as an administrator.

Click Start/Programs/Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Right Click on /SQL Server Management Studio Express and select

Run As Administrator

Fill in the following information and then click Connect

  • Server type: Database Engine
  • Servername: \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query
  • Authentication: Windows Authentication

Note: If you didn’t “run as administrator” above you may see:

 "login failed" (Error 18456) error messages in SQL Server 2005

Expand Databases and right-click on SUSDB and select Tasks > Detach…

Select the “Drop Connection” checkbox and click OK.

Move C:\WSUS\SUSDB folder to the same location you moved your WSUS directory to above. for example:


To reattach the database, right-click on Database and select Attach

On the Attach Databases page select the Add button.

Browse to the new location of the SUSDB for example:


click OK twice to complete task

Moving IIS Logs: 

Open IIS7

Open each site and double click on the logging Icon


Create a new folder on the data drive or a drive with a lot more space.  Create a Logs\logfile folder

Change the path of the logfiles


Caution: The next step will take your web server offline for a minute or so

Once done right click and open a command prompt as administrator

type in and run “iisreset”    

It will restart IIS and update the paths and you can clean out the existing folders on drive C.

Credit: Michael Patrick

Posted by at 12:10 AM 

In SBS2008 and 2011, there's a wizard allowing you to move the WSUS repository to another partition/disk. However, it does not move the state database, which, over time, can grow a bit large. Luckily, one could manually move the database by stopping WSUS, detaching the database, move the files, reattaching it, and finally, starting WSUS again.

First of, stop the required services (WSUS and IIS Admin Service)

net stop "update services"
net stop w3svc

Next, detach the database:

sqlcmd -E -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query -Q "sp_detach_db 'SUSDB'"

Move the SUSDB.mdf and SUSDB_log.ldf to their new location. Then, reattach the database:

sqlcmd -E -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query -Q "sp_attach_db @dbname=N'SUSDB',\

Finally, start the services again:

net start "update services"
net start w3svc